Pharma Security

Benefits of the Memo3 IIoT Pharma Security

Increase supply chain and customer safety

Decentral real-time analysis

Easy, scaleable and cost-effective solution


Memo3 IIoT Pharma Security evolves around an innovative application of near-infrared (NIR) scanners connected to a cloud. Depending on its chemical makeup, a target substance reflects a unique light pattern in the NIR spectrum. This can be captured and compared to a previously established model in the cloud. The result is a very reliable degree of certainty about the actual components of the target substance.


Project approach

Technical & Commercial Due Dilligence

Initially hardware and software requirements are assessed and the solution tested with a rental device. This phase also includes a DD and building a business case for management decision.

Proof of Concept

During the next phase a secure, compliant, cloud-based database is established as the backbone of the solution. This can be provided or established within the customers environment. Data science and AI are used to build prediction models to capture the manufacturing variability of solid drugs of a given pharmaceutical company produced in different dosages, raw materials, and locations. In the field, a sample can be authenticated using a mobile analytical drug screening device containing a spectral sensor that transmits and within seconds receives the results utilizing the database via a smartphone app. The solution allows in principle anybody to verify a sample’s authenticity within minutes.

Roll-Out and Scale-up

If the PoC is successful the roll-out and further integration in the organization is supported.

Solution components

Pilotanlage im Einsatz

Cloud and App (iOS + Android)


The large devices is applied at the manufacturing side and used for model generation and product QC or release

The portable scanner allows cost effective, large-scale decentral measurement.

The secure cloud environment manages models and users


Success Story of a Pharma Customer

Trade in falsified medicine poses a significant threat to people worldwide. Counterfeit pharmaceuticals are a global problem especially faced by Asia, Africa and South America, causing around 1 million preventable deaths every year.


  • Previously suspect drugs had to be shipped to 1 of only 4 testing centers globally
  • Transportation, customs & other delays meant that, on average, six weeks were needed between receiving and authenticating a sample.


  • The company enabled the real-time local detection of falsified medicines and strengthen the integrity of their supply chain.
  • Authentication time is now cut to a matter of days.
  • A secure, cloud-based database uses data science and AI to ensure product authenticity.
  • In the field samples can be authenticated using a sensor and results transmitted to a database via a smartphone.
  • Trained employees can verify authenticity within minutes.

Are you ready to take your brand protection strategy to the next level by ensuring product quality and authenticity on a global scale while also improving customer safety? Reach out now!


Membrane Technology | Management Consulting | IIoT Solutions



Memo3 GmbH
Eichenstrasse 25
CH-4313 Möhlin

+41 (0)71 313 86 35